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You can easily incorporate video capture capabilities
into your application by using Clarion wrapper for
the MicroSoft AVICap window class. AVICap supports
streaming video capture and single-frame capture in
real-time. In addition, AVICap provides control of
video sources that are Media Control Interface (MCI)
devices so the user can control (through an application)
the start and stop positions of a video source, and
augment the capture operation to include step frame
List of Features
- Create capture window on Clarion form
- Capture audio and video streams to an audo-video
interleaved (AVI) file.
- Connect and disconnect video and audio input devices
- View a live incoming video signal by using the overlay
or preview methods.
- Specify a file to use when capturing and copy the
contents of the capture file to another file.
- Set the capture rate.
- Display dialog boxes that control the video source
and format.
- Create, save, and load palettes.
- Copy images and palettes to the clipboard.
- Capture and save a single image as a device-independent
bitmap (BMP) or JPG file.
- Clarion 5, 5.5, 6.3, 8.0, 9.1, 10 (ABC/Legacy) compatible