KStpw™ Documentation


About KStpw™ Template

KStpw™ Template gives Clarion user an easy access to the Klarisoft SplitBar Control.
SplitBar:   Moveable bar that splits a window in two parts .

KStpw™ can be used in Clarion4, Clarion5 or Clarion5.5 32-bit applications. With the help of the templates you will be able to handle Klarisoft SplitBar Control in a "Clarion Way". KStpw™ Template is a pure Clarion source (no dll or lib black boxes)! Start using the templates and give you Clarion applications native MS Windows 32-bit look.

About SplitBar Control

SplitBar:   Moveable bar that splits a window in two parts.

In this picture you can see three steps of the resizing process using Klarisoft SplitBar Control:
          1: Before resize
          2: Resize faze
          3: After resize 

Getting started

Register the templates:

The KStpw™ Setup Program can automatically register the templates. If you do not wish to register the templates automatically you will have to register them manually.
Start Clarion, select "Template registry" from the "Setup" menu. When the "Template registry" window opens, select the "Register" button on the right. Then you are prompted for a filename. Select KStpw.tpl (for both ABC and Legacy templates). These files are located in your TEMPLATE folder.

After registering your Template Registry window will look like:

Register the templates:

To add Split Bar to your application use Control Templates.


Split Bar Control Template

This control template is used to put Split Bar control on a Window.

(The images below show the template prompts for the KStpw™ control template. 
 You can find the detailed description in tables below)

KStpw TAB:

Prompt  Description 
Orientation   Select the orientation of the split bar control. Horizontal or Vertical.
Specify top/left margin  A value of the margin.Use Top margin for the  Horizontal orientation, Left for Vertical.
Specify bot/right margin A value of the margin. Use Bottom margin for the  Horizontal orientation, Right for Vertical.
Save and Restore split bar location. Save split bar location when window is closed and Restore after close is opened. To use this function You should enable INI File Settings at Window Behavior and at Global Properties.

Resize Manager TAB:

Prompt  Description 
Use Window Resize Manager Enable standard Window Resize Manager (ABC Template only). 
Split Bar Resize Overwrite standard Resize strategy.
Controls TAB:

Prompt  Description 
Screen Controls Left/Up Select controls at the Upper part of the window for a Horizontal Split bar.
Select controls at the Left part of the window for a Vertical Split bar. 
Screen Controls Right/Down Select controls at the Lower part of the window for a  Horizontal Split bar.
Select controls at the Right part of window for a Vertical Split bar. 

Object Name TAB:

Prompt  Description 
KStpw Object Name   Name of the KStpw Control Object in source code.
KStpw Control Name of the KStpw Control in source code.


Installed files

The following files will be copied to your hard disk during installation. All the pathnames are relative to your Clarion root directory (e.g. C:\CLARION5,  C:\C55), depending on your choice during installation.


File Name




KStpw™ Demo Applications


If you install templates for Clarion4 then Clarion4 examples are installed.
If you install templates for Clarion5 then Clarion5 examples are installed.
If you install templates for Clarion5.5 then Clarion5.5 examples are installed.  



This documentation and images.



KStpw™ Class Defenition



Template and templates image files.


Copyright notice

KStpw™ copyright © 2001 by KlariSoft. All rights reserved.



For support, please write to Support@klarisoft.com
For updates of this product please visit http://www.klarisoft.com regularly.